
" Uni-Verses The Living Light-Songs "

Join KA'ryna Sh'ha and Gaspar Magistar on a journey of profound sound and light-language transmissions as we travel through the celestial gateways and into the mysteries of life
to reveal the…

" Manna Matrix Harmonic Healing Chamber"


“Nothing exists without music, for the universe itself is said to have been framed by a kind of harmony of sounds, and that heaven itself revolves under the tones of that harmony”

The one world gnosis (Sacred Knowledge) is found beneath the foundation of our quest for Self Mastery. Dynamic codes stored in our D.N.A are awakening and aligning the infinite plan of the grand upliftment… A unified field of all possibilities reveals the stored messengers ...codes, codons and electrons stimulating a cellular frequency shift! Our collective amnesia is lifting as the receptors of sacred communion and community are opening the keys within us all...as the light-language messages reveal our true purpose for being. Our "Cosmic Consciousness" wake up call to action!

The numinous veil is lifting and what was secret now becomes known! We prepare ourselves to receive our sacred teachings through the ways of the heart...what lays hidden and dormant in the contours of our own heart-language is the most precious gift of all!

Attuning our primary instrument to source.

"All Wisdom lies at the doorway of Love and willingness be the key to unlock it's mysteries."-KA'ryna SH'ha

> Like a tuning fork, the body can be tuned to different frequencies,” including that of Source, through DNA activation.

> Many indigenous traditions of Mesoamerica believe that [Source] emits a frequency or tone known as 'Ge' that not only heals the body-mind-spirit but provides immortality.

> The spiritual practices used in the ancient mystery schools of Egypt and Greece employed a variety of, vibrational tools to attune people's DNA to Source.

> This caused the DNA to ring, sing or vibrate so that it resonated with the tone of Ge–the frequency of Galactic Center.

> This attunement activated a San Graal or Song Grail–a “love song in the blood”–creating a rainbow bridge, therefore synchronizing an initiates consciousness with Source.

> This love song energetically united Heaven (Galactic Center) with Earth (initiates), opening human hearts and pumping crystallized Ge-tuned blood through their bodies.

How we begin the journey:

In preparation for the activation songs to reveal the hidden “knowledge codes” stored in our D.N.A.

> Utilizing the rich hues and textures of her voice, as a sonic celestial bath of illumined frequencies, KA’ryna SH’ha delivers the sound currents of “Harmonic Love” to open and purify our soul…

> Gaspar Magistar enhances each experience with sacred & conscious media, sound and light.

> Each session begins with a sonic intention placed in the heart and is expanded through the 7 Gateways of Love.

> Calling upon guides of creation, KA’ryna & Gaspar open a pranic tube of rarefied vibration in preparation for weaving a sphere of light language codes to encompass our entire bio-temple.

> Silence and stillness within synchronizes our whole being with source and creates a great influx of “Harmonic Resonance” (healing energy) to assist in our soul’s upliftment.

Placed in a space of total unconditional love our frequency begins to shift to a higher vibration, as our heart gently opens, and our mind naturally relaxes. In this expanded and exulted state our consciousness slowly lifts the celestial veil of The Mysteries in preparation for the attunement and alignment to source.

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